5 carry-on products that may help protect you from COVID-19

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread around the world, people’s panic about travel safety has intensified, especially on airplanes and public transportation. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), although community events and mass gatherings have been largely cancelled, and more and more companies choose to allow employees to work remotely, the risk of exposure in a crowded environment still constitutes more A big threat, especially those with poor air circulation, including buses, subways, and trains.
Although airlines and transit authorities have strengthened sanitation efforts to curb the spread of the virus, passengers can still take additional precautions by using disinfection and antiseptic products (such as hand sanitizer and cleaning wipes) during the journey. Remember that CDC recommends washing your hands frequently as one of the best defenses to protect yourself, so you should always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds after traveling, as this is the most effective way to prevent the spread of disease. However, when soap and water are not available, here are some carry-on products that can help you stay sterile while traveling.
If you cannot go to the sink to wash your hands after touching the surface on an airplane or public transportation, CDC recommends using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to wash your hands. Although hand sanitizer has recently been removed from the shelves, there are still places where you can buy one or two travel-sized bottles. If all else fails, you can also choose to make your own using 96% alcohol, aloe vera gel, and travel-size bottles in accordance with the self-help guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO).
Sterilizing the surface before touching it is another way to help maintain sterility. The CDC stated that although the possibility of coronavirus spreading through pollutants (which may carry infected objects or materials) is less likely to be transmitted by respiratory droplets than person-to-person contact, research shows that the new coronavirus can be on the surface of objects. Survive for several days. They recommend using EPA-registered disinfectants (such as Lysol disinfectant) to clean and disinfect dirty surfaces in community settings to prevent COVID-19.
Cleaning wipes are one of the top products on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) disinfectant list and can help prevent COVID-19. Although they seem to be sold out at most retailers, there are still some places where you can find them. Before you touch the handles, armrests, seats and tray tables, you can also wipe them with disinfectant wipes. In addition, you can use them to wipe the phone and keep it sterile.
If you really need to sneeze and cough in a crowded environment (such as public transportation), be sure to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, and then throw away the used tissue immediately. The CDC stated that this is an important step to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets produced by infected persons. Therefore, put a pack of paper towels in your bag or pocket when you travel. Also remember to wash your hands after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
Surgical gloves allow you to touch contaminated surfaces in public, while avoiding direct contact with potential viruses or bacteria with your hands, thus helping to protect you. But you should still not wear gloves to touch your mouth, nose or face, because the virus can still be transferred to your gloves. When we tested the best disposable gloves, we found that Nitrile Gloves are the best in terms of durability, flexibility and comfort, but there are other great options.
CDC also recommends wearing gloves when cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, disposing of them after each use, and washing your hands after use-similarly, never touch your mouth, nose, face or eyes when using in public.

Post time: Oct-11-2021